Avril Tremayne has wanted to be a writer ever since reading Jane Eyre as a teenager, but navigated diverse careers en route, including, shoe-selling, nursing, teaching, public relations and corporate affairs – most recently in global aviation. Following a three year stint in the Middle East, she decided 2013 was the year to make writing her final career. She entered two global writing competitions run by Harlequin and Wattpad, and secured contracts for three books as a result. She now has nine contemporary romances published through Penguin Random House, Harlequin, and HarperCollins HQ Digital. She is obsessed with food, wine, shoes, and her daughter, and lives in Sydney with her husband.
Romance Readers of Australia * Romantic Rendezvous * Sydney, NSW, Australia
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Tickets on sale October 2018...Details to come...
Romance Readers of Australia * A Romantic High Tea * Castlereagh Hotel
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Saturday, May 5, 2018
High tea with a favourite romance author. Come along and meet Avril Tremayne, Kandy Shepherd and Shannon Curtis.
Author Talk * Shoalhaven Library
Nowra, NSW, Australia
Friday, March 24, 2017
Avril will visit Nowra library on the 24th of March to tell us all about her exotic and sensual novel Now You're Mine. Need a bit of excitement and romance in your life? If you are a fan of Fifty Shades then you're going to love this.
Australian Romance Readers Convention, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Sunday, February 26, 11.50am-1230pm
WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE? (Panel with Avril Tremayne, Diane Demetre, Vanessa Carnevale and Lisa Ireland)
Who are your characters and where did they come from? How much time do you spend developing a character before you start writing them? How important are the little details? Authors give examples of their development process for a specific character.
Sydney Writers' Festival, 2015
Sydney, Australia
Saturday, May 23, 2015
BEYOND DUKES AND DAMSELS (Moderator, Jodi McAlister; Panelists Avril Tremayne, author; Victoria Purman, author, Kate Cuthbert, Harlequin editor)
The evolution of romance in the 21st century
ANZ Authors Nominated for 2018 RITA Awards, March 2018
Several Australian and New Zealand authors have been nominated for the Romance Writers of America (RWA) 2018 RITA Awards for excellence in published romance novels and novellas. Avril Tremayne is a finalist in the Contemporary Romance: Long category for The Dating Game (HarperCollins)
More information HERE and HERE
Four Romance Authors on the Sexiest Scenes They've Ever Written, With Her in Mind, February 1 2018
Includes excerpt from Avril Tremayne's first Harlequin DARE novel, Getting Lucky More HERE
Romantic Book of the Year Winners announced, August 2017
The winners of the 2017 Romance Writers of Australia (RWA) Romantic Book of the Year awards, known as the ‘RUBYs’, were announced on 12 August at the RWA conference in Brisbane. More HERE and HERE Escaping Mr Right by Avril Tremayne named Romantic Book of the Year and Long Romance category winner.
Interview with Avril Tremayne, July 2017
Congratulations to Avril Tremayne who is a finalist in the 2017 RUBY Awards, nominated for Escaping Mr Right! We chat with her about her nominated book, how she reacted when she found out she was a finalist, and her advice for aspiring authors. Read the interview HERE
Romantic Book of the Year Finalists announced, May 2017
The Romantic Book of the Year Award, affectionately know as the RUBY, is the Romance Writers of Australia’s premier award celebrating the best romantic fiction from Australian and NZ authors, across four categories. More HERE and HERE Avril Tremayne one of three finalists in the Long Romance category.
Harlequin announces new Mills & Boon Imprint, DARE, March 17, 2017
Mills & Boon has announced a new imprint to launch at the beginning of 2018.
The publisher said Mills & Boon DARE will deliver ‘riveting, irresistible romance stories featuring highly explicit sexual encounters’, with four titles publishing in print and ebook each month. Australian authors J C Harroway, Nicola Marsh and Avril Tremayne will join international authors in the new series, which is also publishing in the UK and North America. MORE
2016 Australian Romance Readers Award Announced, January 15, 2017
Voting has opened today for the 2016 Australian Romance Readers Awards. Below are the finalists in each of the nine categories, as well as finalists in our three special Members’ Choice categories. MORE Avril Tremayne nominated in two categories: Favourite Australian Romance Author and Favourite Contemporary Romance (Escaping Mr Right)
Join the Pen to Paper Challenge, August 2016
The inaugural Pen to Paper Challenge happens this September and Sydney Story Factory needs YOU on board! It's like the City to Surf for those who'd rather write than run. Are you up for the challenge? MORE Avril Tremayne - Ambassador
Romancing the Sydney Writers Festival, May 29, 2015
Last Saturday, I set off with a jaunty step and a light heart for the Sydney Writers Festival. It’s one of my favourite events of the year because I love the vibe of being surrounded by thousands of fellow bookworms. There was chatter and the aroma of good coffee in the air. The sun was shining. The sky was blue. The harbour sparkled. And this year and this particular day were extra special. When I arrived forty minutes early at Sydney Dance 1 to line up for the Beyond Dukes and Damsels romance panel, there was already a queue a mile long! Avril Tremayne, author of Escaping Mr Right and other sexy modern romances with a twist, was one of the speakers... MORE
Wattpad Contest Winners Receive Publishing Contracts with Harlequin, December 11, 2013
Story posting social media site Wattpad has garnered a tremendous following in a short amount of time for its notably unique offers for both authors and publishers. Apart from the ability for writers to post excerpts for readers to enjoy and comment on–a feedback process that Wattpad staunchly guards from trolling–the platform has worked with a number of different partnerships to provide opportunities for its members to take their writing further... MORE
Harlequin and Wattpad Contest Winners Offered Book Deals< December 11, 2013
Today, Harlequin (, a leading publisher of books for women, added a compelling final chapter to its tremendously popular So You Think You Can Write (SYTYCW) 2013 event by announcing seven winners from two writing contests held simultaneously in its search for new talent. MORE
*... Ms. Tremayne, in a remarkable display of talent, was also a finalist in Harlequin's So You Think You Can Write contest...*
Avril Tremayne
Credit: Stuart Spence

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