Sticks and Stones...and Choosing Names
LOVE IS THE BEST MEDICINE COLUMN Last month, I started writing a new book. It’s my ninth book, but if you count two half-completed novels...

Romantic Comedy and the Dark Moment
PINK HEART SOCIETY COLUMN Back in the day, I wanted to be a stage actor, so I’ve seen a lot of theatre in my time. But of all those...

Quirk Me Up: making characters surprising
PINK HEART SOCIETY COLUMN Pink Heart Society regular, Avril Tremayne, is talking about how to quirk up your characters... I’ve spent a...

Twisting the truth
GUEST POST AT BOOK MUSTER DOWN UNDER I'm kicking off another great Blog Tour for all you die-hard romantics out there. This time around,...

I'm obsessed, so kick me - but do it with a six inch heel!
PINK HEART SOCIETY COLUMN I have an obsession and its name is shoes! Two of my clearest childhood memories are: my pre-school red suede...

Avril Tremayne tells great stories...on the Page and in person
GUEST POST - GET LOST IN A STORY Jan Schliesman: Welcome, Avril! Tell me, how often to you get lost in a story? Avril Tremayne: All the...

7 Questions
GUEST POST ON THE HARLEQUIN SOLD! BLOG Last year’s So You Think You Can Write contest brought forth a lot of wonderful stories and great...