Rom Coms Rule Part 2 - Launching The Dating Game
THIS FIRST APPEARED ON THE GET LOST IN A STORY BLOG What does a romance author do when she finds she's in love with a secondary character...

Rom Coms Rule - Part 1 - Launching Kiss Don't Tell
THIS FIRST APPEARED ON THE GET LOST IN A STORY BLOG My romantic comedy Kiss Don't Tell is now out and about and I don’t mind admitting...

The Agony and the Ecstasy of a Dual Timeline
THIS FIRST APPEARED AS A GUEST BLOG OF AUTHOR VIRGINIA TAYLOR'S BLOG SITE I’ve written a two-book series (Wanting Mr Wrong and Escaping...

Third Time's the Charm
THIS FIRST APPEARED IN THE MAY 2017 EDITION OF THE PINK HEART SOCIETY MAGAZINE When my writing career kicked off in 2013, it was thanks...